The book of positive things…..try this at school or at home

I frequently come across children in school who lack confidence and have low self-esteem, and it can often be difficult for school staff and parents to find or create enough time to help children with this on a daily basis. Recently I have suggested to several school staff, both teachers and teaching assistants that they create a book of positive things for some children in their classes who need a more regular boost.

I suggest they offer the child their own book and create an opportunity for them to decorate the cover and make it special for themselves if they want to. I encourage the staff to write one positive thing in the book each day and at the end of the week, they can photocopy it for the child to take home with them if they want to.

There have been some interesting responses to this, children have been delighted, appeared more confident and started taking ownership of the book. Some children have asked if they can write something positive themselves, or ask other members of staff to write things. A parent has started her own book at home with her 9 year old daughter and noticed that her child seems happier and less anxious. A simple but effective exercise, which appears to be having a big impact !

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