Category Archives: neglect
Back to school
Thought this might be useful to help children’s transition back to school and in the coming weeks.
Being aware of children’s internal dialogue
Some children may have learnt to respond in a defensive way as a coping mechanism to manage the feelings of anxiety and fear that situations evoke in them. The child may present as feeling the opposite of this, for example, … Continue reading
Meeting the needs of looked after children
I have been doing some work in schools recently with looked after children and their foster carers and am shocked and amazed by how much we expect these children to manage. Looked after children have usually experienced living with chaos, … Continue reading
Some kids live in chaos….
While driving home from school on Friday i was thinking about this half term and remembering the first week back in September and what a long time ago it seemed! I remember a particular family at one of the schools … Continue reading
It’s important to consider the child’s emotional age….
I have been working with a foster carer who is looking after two girls aged 8 and 9, who like many fostered children have a history of neglect, emotional abuse and little experience of their physical and emotional needs being … Continue reading