Primary School Training

All sessions are for one hour unless stated or requested to be longer. These can be delivered during a staff meeting or as part of a training day and can be 1- 2 hours or half a day.

How Attachment Impacts on Learning

This course enables school staff to:

  • Identify children’s different attachment styles
  • Understand how these can impact on behaviour in a positive or negative way
  • Develop strategies to implement to promote positive learning experiences

How Relationships Impact on Learning

This course enables school staff to:

  • Explore what the teacher and child bring to the classroom each day
  • Identify possible reasons and feelings behind children’s behaviour
  • Understand how these impact on the child’s learning
  • Develop strategies to respond to this

Using Reflective Language in the Classroom (part one)

This course enables school staff to:

  • Understand the concept of reflective language and explore the benefits of using it as a behaviour management technique
  • Recognise the importance of school staff developing awareness of and acknowledging their own feelings
  • Identify how to implement it during the school day

Using Reflective Language to Strengthen Attachment Relationships (part two)

This course enables school staff to:

  • Identify children’s different attachment styles
  • Understand how these impact on relationships in school
  • Practice using appropriate reflective responses for children’s different attachment styles

Understanding Emotional Development

This course enables school staff to:

  • Identify different stages of emotional development
  • Understand the importance of children achieving developmental tasks
  • Recognise how this impacts on their learning
  • Develop strategies to use with children with emotional development difficulties

Feeling Safe and Secure at Lunchtime

This course enables lunchtime organisers to:

  • Understand how their approach impacts on children’s behaviour
  • Recognise the importance of using a positive approach to manage behaviour
  • Develop strategies to use to enable lunchtimes to be more positive experiences for staff and children

Safe and Effective Direct Work with Children (half day workshop that can be shortened)

This course enables school staff to:

  • Understand the difference between direct emotionally focused work and play therapy
  • Practice using play therapy skills
  • Identify safe and unsafe practices in working with children
  • Evaluate effective ways of working
  • Gain awareness of best practice and the importance of supervision

Understanding Feelings and Frustrations in the Foundation Stage

This course will enable school staff to:

  • Identify the potential barriers to children coping at school
  • Understand the impact of external circumstances and trauma
  • Learn strategies to implement to manage behaviour, especially tantrums

 Positive Approaches and Strategies to Managing Children’s Behaviour

This course will enable school staff to:

    • Recognise how children communicate through their behaviour
    • Understand the links between brain chemistry and behaviour in young children
    • Identify circumstances that activate rage in young children
    • Develop strategies to respond to children’s behaviour appropriately

Understanding and meeting the needs of looked after and adopted children

This course will enable school staff to:

  • Understand the importance of attachment and early trauma
  • Recognise the links between brain development and behaviour
  • Develop strategies to support children’s needs

Understanding how trauma impacts on children’s learning and behaviour

This course enables school staff to:

  • Identify experiences that may cause trauma in children
  • Explore how children may express trauma by their behaviour
  • Understand the impact of trauma on children’s learning and     experience of school
  • Develop strategies to implement to promote positive school experiences and improved behaviour

Understanding the impact of grief and bereavement on children’s well-being and behaviour

This course enables school staff to:

  • Understand what we mean by grief and bereavement
  • Recognise factors affecting children’s understanding of death
  • Explore how grief and bereavement may impact on children
  • Highlight practical strategies to help children deal with grief and bereavement