Tag Archives: child development
the importance of children developing self regulation
In order for children to be able to regulate their own stress levels, they need to have had this experience from an adult. Babies are unable to regulate their own stress and they depend on their caregivers to regulate it … Continue reading
It’s important to consider the child’s emotional age….
I have been working with a foster carer who is looking after two girls aged 8 and 9, who like many fostered children have a history of neglect, emotional abuse and little experience of their physical and emotional needs being … Continue reading
Managing the nursery day – Strategies to support children’s emotional wellbeing
For both children and staff the nursery day is full of surprises as the routine and activities occur and children’s emotional reactions to them are expressed, sometimes in quite challenging and unpredictable ways. The emotional cues that children show can … Continue reading
Emotionally ready to learn
Another extract from my book…. In order for children to achieve success at school they need a degree of healthy emotional and social development so that they are emotionally ready and able to learn. This involves being able to cope … Continue reading