Tag Archives: communicating
Making a Difference guide
My Making a Difference guide is now available for purchase online. Based on many conversations with school staff over the last few years it is a resource to support staff in understanding and supporting children with their behaviour and emotional … Continue reading
Some children show the opposite of what they feel
Some children have experienced difficult life experiences resulting in them being wary and mistrustful of adults. In school they may present as aggressive, manipulative, controlling, bossy and fearless. They may challenge staff, say they don’t care and appear frightening to … Continue reading
Managing the nursery day – Strategies to support children’s emotional wellbeing
For both children and staff the nursery day is full of surprises as the routine and activities occur and children’s emotional reactions to them are expressed, sometimes in quite challenging and unpredictable ways. The emotional cues that children show can … Continue reading
Helping to understand foster and adopted kids feelings
I have had several sessions with both foster parents and adoptive parents this week and we’ve been talking about the importance of allowing and encouraging children to express their feelings, but how difficult this can be when they are raging … Continue reading
“You’re just being lazy”…..
I overheard a conversation between a 9 year old and his support worker this week that made me think about how easily we can misinterpret what children are trying to tell us. They were sat outside the class doing some … Continue reading
Is this child being dramatic or is it a lack of resilience?
I observed some behaviour from a 10 year old this week which was referred to as being dramatic and overreacting, which made me wonder about how this child was feeling and what he may have been trying to communicate. He … Continue reading