Tag Archives: domestic violence
Supporting a child who is always angry
Jamal aged four had regular angry outbursts where he would shout, scream and sometimes throw things. He was very fragile and would get upset very easily if he got something wrong, was asked to do something he didn’t want to … Continue reading
“Mum was screaming cos he beat her to the floor”…a story of resilience
This is what a seven year old child told me several weeks ago during our first play therapy session. He witnessed domestic violence for the first few years of his life but his life is now more settled and stable, … Continue reading
Children with attachment difficulties take longer to settle in a new class
Its week three of the new school year and from conversations i haveĀ been having this week with school staff, it seems that lots of children are still finding it hard to settle back to life in school. Children who have … Continue reading
“Some of our children leave their learning on the carpet”…..
This is what a year two teacher said to me this week and it provided a useful opportunity for a discussion about some of the children in his class and why it really seems like they do leave their learning … Continue reading
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
Children who grow up in a family where there is domestic violence learn powerful lessons about the use of control, intimidation and force in relationships. They learn that aggression is part of everyday life and it is acceptable to shout … Continue reading
Seeing the child, not their behaviour
I came across a brilliant example of a teacher doing this today in school. A child aged 10 was upset because he hadn’t been chosen for the school football team and he picked up a chair and went to throw … Continue reading
Reconnecting after the festive period
Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year as I did. However, I was aware that this is not the case for everyone as various friends had difficult experiences over the festive period. I have been thinking about … Continue reading