Tag Archives: feelings
How to help a child who can’t sit still at carpet time
I am constantly asked by teachers in school how to manage a child who can’t sit still at carpet time so thought it would be useful to share some ideas. I often observe children at this time and these children … Continue reading
Guidelines on responding to bereavement for school staff
Class teachers and other adults who have a significant relationship with the children need to acknowledge the situation when the children arrive, but this needs to be done gradually during the day so they don’t feel overwhelmed. It can be … Continue reading
My new book on understanding and managing children’s behaviour :-)
Here’s an extract from my new book which will be published before Christmas. Understanding and Managing Children’s Behaviour through Group Work Ages 5–7, A child-centred programme “In order for children to achieve success at school they need a degree of … Continue reading
The importance of schoolThe importance of staff reflecting on what they bring to school
It can be really useful for school staff to check in with themselves each day on their journey in to school and ask themselves ” How am I feeling? What am i bringing with me to work today?” This enables … Continue reading
Helping to understand foster and adopted kids feelings
I have had several sessions with both foster parents and adoptive parents this week and we’ve been talking about the importance of allowing and encouraging children to express their feelings, but how difficult this can be when they are raging … Continue reading
Helping children to release feelings
If a child needs help to manage their feelings of anger and frustration, offer them a large scribble pad and pens or crayons for them to use when they need to. Ensure they are able to access this easily and … Continue reading
“Everyone’s will be better than mine”
This is what a 9 year old told his class teacher this week after she asked him why he kept rubbing his work out all the time. For this child, his strong sense of “i’m not good enough” is having … Continue reading
Christmas isn’t always fun for all kids
A ten year old told me this week, ” I don’t really like Christmas, it’s good getting presents but there’s always lots of arguments and fights in our house”. For this child, the tensions between family members, coupled with too … Continue reading
It’s ok for children to be cross with adults
During a play therapy session this week a nine year old refused to put on his apron before painting. There are few rules in the sessions, but wearing an apron to paint is one of them, and this child had … Continue reading
A Practical way to help a child express their feelings
Here’s one for anyone at home with kids as well as schools and play workers. If a child needs help to manage their feelings of anger and frustration, offer them a large scribble pad and pens or crayons for them … Continue reading