School staff can have a significant impact on a child’s well being, positive sense of self and relational experience. They can play a crucial role in changing a child’s experience of life and relationships. It may not be noticeable immediately or measurable straight away but you never know what seeds you have planted or when they will grow. All school staff have a responsibility to invest time, thought, energy and commitment into exploring how they can contribute to and enhance children’s emotional wellbeing on a daily basis. Every member of school staff has a role to play in helping children reach their full potential. You have to believe you can make a difference and start making it today.
Choose a child you feel would benefit from some extra adult input in their lives.
Choose one thing you could do each day for a week to provide a positive message to them. You can use ideas from the list below or think of your own alternatives:
• Ask how their day is going
• Ask them if they would like to help you do a job with their friend
• Acknowledge something positive about them
• Remember something about them and share it with them
• Ask something about them
Remember how small things can make a big difference, especially to a child