Category Archives: adoption
How survival strategies can be misinterpreted
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how behaviours in school can be misunderstood, its so important that we try and understand the feelings behind the behaviour, rather than making our own judgements and interpretations Hyper-vigilance = being nosy … Continue reading
Helping children to develop a positive self-image
Children who have a positive self-image are able to share their happiness about their appearance in a healthy way, for example, showing you their new shoes or haircut. This is an important aspect of children learning to be happy with … Continue reading
The book of positive things…..try this at school or at home
I frequently come across children in school who lack confidence and have low self-esteem, and it can often be difficult for school staff and parents to find or create enough time to help children with this on a daily basis. … Continue reading
Developing positive early relational experiences
In order for children to be able to build relationships with other people it is necessary for them to have a template of how to do this. A child’s first relationship is with their main caregiver and this is usually … Continue reading
Creating a welcoming environment in classs
This week as i have been going to the different schools i work in i have been very aware of how it feels in each school and within the classes that i visit to observe the children. Some of the … Continue reading
The power of nurturing play in school
I am just coming to the end of a piece of work i have been doing in schools with LAC (looked after children) children involving 1-1 weekly nurturing play sessions for 40 minutes for 10 weeks. This has been an … Continue reading
Meeting the needs of looked after children
I have been doing some work in schools recently with looked after children and their foster carers and am shocked and amazed by how much we expect these children to manage. Looked after children have usually experienced living with chaos, … Continue reading
It’s important to consider the child’s emotional age….
I have been working with a foster carer who is looking after two girls aged 8 and 9, who like many fostered children have a history of neglect, emotional abuse and little experience of their physical and emotional needs being … Continue reading