Category Archives: Helping
“I might get it wrong….”
This week a teacher asked me what he could do about a 10 year old boy in his class who kept finding excuses why he couldn’t do much writing in class. The child was often preoccupied, daydreaming and never produced … Continue reading
Sometimes it can be hard to ask for help…
Jake age 9 was a quiet child who was often disengaged and would stare out of the window for long periods of time. His class teacher had moved him away from the window but this didn’t improve his attention span, … Continue reading
Supporting a child who is always angry
Jamal aged four had regular angry outbursts where he would shout, scream and sometimes throw things. He was very fragile and would get upset very easily if he got something wrong, was asked to do something he didn’t want to … Continue reading
My needs don’t matter – the danger of children being people pleasers
Many children in primary schools may display a variety of behaviours that can cause concern. The children that are overly compliant and put their needs second, may be harder to identify than more challenging behaviours but are of equal concern … Continue reading
How to help a child who finds it hard to sit still on the carpet
I am constantly asked by teachers in school how to manage a child who can’t sit still at carpet time so thought it would be useful to share some ideas. I often observe children at this time and these children … Continue reading
Using emotional vocabulary during the school day
During the school day children may be asked to experience situations that adults may not feel comfortable experiencing, such as being vulnerable and sharing things about themselves which adults may find difficult to do. For example, asking a child to … Continue reading
Natural curiosity or hyper vigilance?
As part of my role in one school i just work with staff and parents and often go in to classes to observe children. I arrange this with the teacher beforehand and ask them to identify children for me to … Continue reading
Helping children to develop a positive self-image
Children who have a positive self-image are able to share their happiness about their appearance in a healthy way, for example, showing you their new shoes or haircut. This is an important aspect of children learning to be happy with … Continue reading
Helping children who struggle with transition to their new class
Some children find any change extremely difficult as it can evoke feelings of loss, anxiety and uncertainty. It is useful therefore that children’s transitions to new classes are managed with patience and understanding. For a child who has experienced many … Continue reading
The importance of Building relationships
It is worthwhile exploring what opportunities exist in school to build relationships between staff and children and how these can be increased. For some children, the experience of spending individual time with a member of school staff may seem terrifying. … Continue reading