Tag Archives: behaviour
How survival strategies can be misinterpreted
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how behaviours in school can be misunderstood, its so important that we try and understand the feelings behind the behaviour, rather than making our own judgements and interpretations Hyper-vigilance = being nosy … Continue reading
The Child who won’t put pen to paper
Does this sound familiar… I’ve had a few conversations with teachers this week about children in their class who are producing very little or no work. There may be several possible reasons for this behaviour including children being worried … Continue reading
Attention seeking is attention needing
We all need to feel seen, heard, valued and understood. Sadly for some of our children this may not always happen on a regular basis at home, resulting in them showing us through their behaviour at school that this is … Continue reading
Enhancing children’s well-being and supporting behaviour
I wrote my Making a Difference Guide to try and provide easy solutions to help school staff enhance children’s well-being and support their behaviour. I’ve made a short video discussing how you might use it in your own work, along … Continue reading
Making a Difference guide
My Making a Difference guide is now available for purchase online. Based on many conversations with school staff over the last few years it is a resource to support staff in understanding and supporting children with their behaviour and emotional … Continue reading
I’m so excited…
I spent Friday afternoon at our local printers seeing the first draft of an exciting new project being born. My Making a Difference guide is a new resource for people working in primary schools to help them support children with … Continue reading
Supporting a child who is always angry
Jamal aged four had regular angry outbursts where he would shout, scream and sometimes throw things. He was very fragile and would get upset very easily if he got something wrong, was asked to do something he didn’t want to … Continue reading
Not making assumptions about children’s understanding
I was talking to a pastoral worker who delivers group work interventions across school this week and she was talking about a year 6 girl who had been referred as she was always calling out, couldn’t sit still and found … Continue reading
My needs don’t matter – the danger of children being people pleasers
Many children in primary schools may display a variety of behaviours that can cause concern. The children that are overly compliant and put their needs second, may be harder to identify than more challenging behaviours but are of equal concern … Continue reading
Is this child “having a drama” or is it a lack of resilience?
I observed some behaviour from a 10 year old this week which was referred to “having a drama” and overreacting, which made me wonder about how this child was feeling and what he may have been trying to communicate. He was told … Continue reading