Tag Archives: resilience
My new book on understanding and managing children’s behaviour :-)
Here’s an extract from my new book which will be published before Christmas. Understanding and Managing Children’s Behaviour through Group Work Ages 5–7, A child-centred programme “In order for children to achieve success at school they need a degree of … Continue reading
Helping children develop resilience
The development of resilience can be viewed as one of the most vital ingredients for emotional health and well being. The ability to deal with situations and bounce back after adversity is of paramount importance for all children, but especially … Continue reading
My Needs don’t matter – the danger of young children being people pleasers
Many children in primary schools may display a variety of behaviours that can cause concern. The children that are overly compliant and put their needs second, may be harder to identify than more challenging behaviours but are of equal concern … Continue reading
Helping children to develop self-belief
Children who have a strong self-belief are able to share their thoughts and ideas and have a sense of determination and perseverance that motivates them to do well. They are able to commit to achieving their goals and work towards … Continue reading
Helping children to develop resilience
Another extract from my book The development of resilience can be viewed as one of the most vital ingredients for emotional health and well-being. The ability to deal with situations and bounce back after adversity is of paramount importance for … Continue reading
Is this child being dramatic or is it a lack of resilience?
I observed some behaviour from a 10 year old this week which was referred to as being dramatic and overreacting, which made me wonder about how this child was feeling and what he may have been trying to communicate. He … Continue reading