Tag Archives: Self-esteem
Enhancing children’s well-being and supporting behaviour
I wrote my Making a Difference Guide to try and provide easy solutions to help school staff enhance children’s well-being and support their behaviour. I’ve made a short video discussing how you might use it in your own work, along … Continue reading
Try alternative ways to respond to children’s behaviour
In my work I am always encouraging school staff to try different strategies to deal with children’s behaviour. It can be easy in life to keep doing things the way we’ve always done them and harder to be brave enough … Continue reading
From snatching to sharing…..the benefits of emotionally focused group work
When I first met Jake he was in the outdoor area of his reception class trying to negotiate with the teaching assistant why he should stay on the bike he was riding round and not let another child have a … Continue reading
Being aware of children’s internal dialogue
Some children may have learnt to respond in a defensive way as a coping mechanism to manage the feelings of anxiety and fear that situations evoke in them. The child may present as feeling the opposite of this, for example, … Continue reading
Children with attachment difficulties take longer to settle in a new class
Its week three of the new school year and from conversations i have been having this week with school staff, it seems that lots of children are still finding it hard to settle back to life in school. Children who have … Continue reading
The importance of listening to children
It is useful to consider how much time is allocated to listening to children’s thoughts, feelings and ideas during the school day and explore whether children feel safe enough to do this. It is beneficial to provide opportunities for children … Continue reading
helping children to develop a positive self image
Children who have a positive self-image are able to share their happiness about their appearance in a healthy way, for example, showing you their new shoes or haircut. This is an important aspect of children learning to be happy with … Continue reading
Why we need to give children choices
It is essential to give children the opportunity to make choices, no matter how small, as it gives them positive messages about themselves. It enables them to be assertive and state their wishes in an acceptable way and conveys that … Continue reading
“Everyone’s will be better than mine”
This is what a 9 year old told his class teacher this week after she asked him why he kept rubbing his work out all the time. For this child, his strong sense of “i’m not good enough” is having … Continue reading