Tag Archives: staff
The importance of positive staff relationships
The quality of the relationships between staff in school impacts on their ability to work together effectively and to model positive relationships to the children. The relationship between the class teacher, teaching assistant and support workers in their class need … Continue reading
Managing SATs stress in schools
Decided to try something different. Here is my first video blog. What do you think?
How school staff can model expressing and managing their feelings
The school setting provides an ideal situation to demonstrate how to express and manage feelings on a daily basis. Staff can model ways of expressing their own feelings, often without being aware of it. Staff who sulk, moan, patronise, and … Continue reading
Creating a welcoming environment in classs
This week as i have been going to the different schools i work in i have been very aware of how it feels in each school and within the classes that i visit to observe the children. Some of the … Continue reading
Making schools happier places
In order to make a school a happier place for the children, parents and staff who use them, every member of school staff could contribute one small thing every day. This can contribute to changing the atmosphere and ethos of … Continue reading
The importance of schoolThe importance of staff reflecting on what they bring to school
It can be really useful for school staff to check in with themselves each day on their journey in to school and ask themselves ” How am I feeling? What am i bringing with me to work today?” This enables … Continue reading
Making a difference at school
The vital role that school staff play in contributing to children’s emotional well being cannot be underestimated and can be utilised more to ensure it is maximised to its full capacity. Every adult who works in a school has a … Continue reading
Back to school…..
For all the school staff returning to school this week after a long break, remember that for some of the children in our schools, this time can be the most difficult for them to manage. Some children may have spent … Continue reading